Keynote Presentations

  • “Talking the Regulatory Compliance Language of Management: Propelling your Regulatory Career”

    “A successful career in product safety compliance requires a broad command of technical subject matter expertise.  But there is another “not so obvious” requirement to propel one’s career , being “talking the language of management”.

    This keynote speech focuses on promoting effective product safety and regulatory compliance “technical deliverables”, leveraging the power of talking the “language of management” necessary to influence organizations to fully realize the merits of safe products. 

    His presentation reflects on real, hands-on experiences from his near five decades accomplished compliance leadership including personal lessons-learned, “on the job” experiences, career set-backs and progression to propel a career in this exciting discipline.  

  • How to Unlock Marketing Compliance Gold

    Sustained regulatory compliance is a sales enabler.  It demonstrates credibility, supply reliability, brand protection, and risk/cost prevention.  Done well, compliance can be a competitive advantage.

    This keynote focuses on how compliance ‘shows up’ in the sales process, therefore playing a key role in gaining, growing, and retaining customers. 

    30 years + regulatory affairs across industry sectors, with sales-enabling regulatory experience across sectors, this keynote speaker will provide perspectives on translating compliance to sales enablement.