Submission Information

SPCE 2024 Presentations/Formal Paper Submission Instructions, Templates, & Requirements

We invite Presenters to submit to SPCE 2024's Microsoft CMT submission site.


Initial Submissions (Deadline July 29, 2024) 

Presentations and Formal Papers initial submission must include:

  • Title of your Presentation/Formal Paper
  • An Abstract of 50 words or less that summarizes the scope of the topic and for Formal Papers explicitly include the primary results (CMT allows up to 1000 characters, but we kindly ask that you make every effort to adhere to the 50-word limit)

 All initial submissions must be uploaded to the SPCE 2024 Microsoft CMT site by July 29, 2024.

Acceptance Notification (August 7, 2024)

SPCE 2024 Presentation/Formal Paper Acceptance Notifications will be emailed on August 7, 2024. Submissions not accepted may be invited to re-submit for a future symposia or be placed on the Wait List (CMT Status: Accepted to Wait List) and held in reserve in case of late cancellations. 

Submission of draft presentation/formal paper (Deadline August 20, 2024)  

Presenters/Authors of Accepted Presentations/Formal papers are required to:

Submit the draft presentation on the SPCE 2024 Presentation Template 

Formal papers: Submit the draft in the formal paper format per IEEE Format A4 Template, Letter Template

Approval of presentation/formal paper (Deadline August 27, 2024)

SPCE 2024 Presentation/Formal Paper Acceptance Notifications will be emailed on August 27, 2024. 

Final Presentation/Formal Paper Submissions (Deadline September 16, 2024)

Presenters/Authors of Accepted Presentations/Formal papers are required to:

  1. Make any and all necessary changes to their presentation/formal paper based on the Track Chair's feedback / IEEE double blind peer review feedback
  2. Add all author information & bio
  3. Convert the draft submission to fit the SPCE 2024 Presentation Template 
  4. Rename the final presentation in the following format: Presentation# X_Title_Final.ppt
  5. Upload the final presentation into CMT by selecting “upload revision
  6. Register to attend SPCE 2024*

Presenters/Authors must submit their final version and complete their symposium registration by September 16, 2024**.

*A submission to SPCE 2024 with confirmed acceptance implies your willingness to register and pay for the privilege of presenting your work in person at this year's event. 

**Please note to prevent delays in the publication and dissemination of the SPCE 2024 program, no changes will be permitted to final submissions after the September 16 deadline, meaning whatever file is uploaded into CMT on September 16, 2024, will be the one made available to attendees in the SPCE 2024 Proceedings. Any changes made after this date may still be presented at the conference at the discretion of the TPC and Track Chair but will not be added to the program proceedings. 

Formal Paper: Generate an IEEE Xplore-compatible manuscript using PDF Xpress

All final manuscripts must be generated using the PDF Xpress tool.

To generate the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file of your paper, follow these steps:

  • Create your IEEE PDF eXpress account:
  • Conference ID: 63668X
  • Full Publication Title: 2024 IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering - (SPCE Bloomington)
  • The first time you access the system, please follow the link “new user”. Please note that in order to access the service, you need to allow the use of cookies from the PDF eXpress website. Once registered as a new user, upload the source file (containing your paper) for conversion.
  • If you have used the system before for other conferences, please use that login information.
  • Receive by e-mail the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of your paper.
  • If you wish to publish your paper in IEEE Xplore, the Copyright MUST be transferred to IEEE via the Electronic Copyright Form. Please ensure you complete this step.

How to Add Company Logo to SPCE 2024 Presentation Template